Storm in a shaving mug – Asda slashes Gillette prices

Guess what? These people get paid to endorse Gillette!
Guess what? These people get paid to endorse Gillette!

We all know how much the beloved Daily Mail likes to champion a cause. And having thoroughly exhausted the debate on Wheelie bins the paper has now turned its guns on men’s number one grooming product – the humble razor. The company that has done most to outrage the paper’s sense of fair play (I know, don’t laugh) is Gillette. The thrust of the argument is that (shock of shocks) Gillette is making a huge profit on its Fusion razor and accompanying blades.

Earlier in the summer the paper claimed that the mark up on some shaving items was more than 4,000%. Seemingly, instead of keeping the costs down Gillette is forcing customers to pay for celebrity endorsement from the likes of Tiger Woods and Roger Federer instead. Blimey, what a surprise to discover that we’re not just paying for the raw materials themselves but for the advertising campaigns, the multi-million pound research that goes into creating the products and, to cap it all off, celebrities to endorse it too. I know, I was shocked too.

But not as shocked as Asda is it seems. The supermarket giant, jumping on the Mail’s bandwagon (and with absolutely no thought of shifting units or creating publicity you understand) are helping the British consumer out by slashing the price of their Gillette razors by up to 40%. Will King, the man behind Gillette rival King of Shaves and champion of the recession-hit man on the street, has waded in on the debate too, claiming his cheaper Azor razor is a much better deal for consumers (partly because of the very lack of the expensive research, ad campaign and celeb endorsement I suppose). Like Asda, he’s outraged that a company should make such a huge profit out of the average working man. Touching innit?

Dear readers, never have I heard such a bogus debate (or, if you prefer, such absolute bollocks) in all my life. So, there’s a huge mark-up on razor blades? Well, Gillette are the market leaders and they got there not just by creating a product that men keep buying because it works but because they spent money creating an identifiable, sexy brand. It’s what brands do. The consumer pays for this. We all know that, right? When I buy a £300 pair of Prada shoes am I under any illusion they cost a fraction of that price to make? When I buy a £35 bottle of fragrance advertised by a A-list celebrity am I so deluded I think it cost £33 to make and the endorsement came free? And why do I continually buy Kellogg’s cornflakes instead of as Asda’s own? Because, through bitter experience, I’ve discovered they taste better and sometimes you have do have to pay more for a quality product.

But it’s not just the ridiculousness of the argument that rattles me it’s the hypocrisy of those that spout off about it. Asda’s toiletries buyer, Graham Speak, for example, is quoted as saying: ‘Instead of lining the pockets of Federer, Henry and Woods, we think companies like Gillette should ditch their razorsharp pricing and put customers first, charging a fair price for an everyday product that doesn’t cost a lot to make.” So who the hell paid for Sharon ‘mum in a million’ Osbourne when she appeared in those Asda ads then? The tooth fairy?

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3 thoughts on “Storm in a shaving mug – Asda slashes Gillette prices

  1. BOND

    Disagree completely the five blade is just a gimmick and you like most of the average men have fallen for all the advertising and so called science – the best thing i ever did was to give up my fusion and learn the art of DE shaving. Bought myself a Merkur HD badger brush with Taylors or Proraso shaving creams started to take a little more time and not only did i start to get a better shave i really enjoy it and have already saved a ton on blades !

  2. I never really get why men don’t use wax. I think I would if I had hair showing up on my face every day. Is it that a shadow is essential or what? Don’t see what’s wrong with looking for a more permanent hair removal system than just shaving every day….

  3. If there’s one thing I’m really pleased about, is that since we launched our Azor just 16 months ago, the cost of enjoying a close, comfortable shave, is now much less costly. I’ve spent almost all my working life understanding this market, and am delighted that men can now shave closer, longer, for less – with our Azor, if they choose, or with A.N.Other’s. King of Shaves has just launched in South Africa, we’re increasing competition, and with competition, the consumers win out. Result. Will King, Cape Town, South Africa.

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