The 20 most common male grooming questions answered

Over the two decades or so that I’ve been writing about male grooming I’ve probably been asked thousands of questions. Many of them are answered in this blog, others across the various publications I’ve written for over the years. Some questions come up time and again, though, and I recently answered 20 of the most common of them for The Telegraph. So if you’re wondering how much fragrance is too much, whether five blades really are better than one or what products you should never put near your nether regions you can find out here.

Ask The Guru: Every time I use an eye cream my skin ends up red and puffy. How come?

EYESChances are, you’re using too much. Eye creams are great at combating puffiness, dark circles and fine lines but they’re potent things and the skin around your eyes is very fragile so smothering the area with too much eye cream can counteract its benefits.

Unfortunately, a lot of men tend to think that using more of a product leads to better results but eye creams, along with serums and scrubs are products where less is often more.

So to get the most out of your eye cream gently pat a tiny amount (no bigger than a small grain of rice) around the edge of each eye socket using the tip of your ring finger. This finger has the lightest touch so it’s perfect for applying eye products. Don’t rub the cream in as this can irritate the delicate skin around the eye.