Burn baby, burn!

BURNING_01_028071c5-706d-4c37-b0f4-0be952651d18_2048x2048Man that I am I just love burning stuff (as a I child my mother would often sniff me when I came home from a day playing outside and ask me, “Lee, have you been burning things again?”). So it comes as no surprise that I love burning incense. I absolutely love Fornasetti Profumi Incensi with its signature Otto fragrance created by perfumer Oliver Polge for example.

My latest discovery is a collection of fantastically fragrant Incense Pyres from American company Blackbird. Presented in a dinky till with cool handwritten labels they’re a brilliantly effective way of scenting your house in a hurry and are especially good at masking the smell of things like fried fish or – and I can attest for this – cat litters that see heavy traffic. My fave version at the moment is “Ozo” which is woody and floral with a slight liquoricey vibe and which totally, but safely, satisfies my penchant for pyromania.

Available from Niven & Joshua.

2 thoughts on “Burn baby, burn!

  1. Dearest Guru
    Being one with similar pyromaniac tendencies (I discovered at a young age that spraying anti-freeze onto almost anything and setting it alight causes the chemical to burn but not the thing itself… my how that kept me entertained) I’m always looking for some fine cones to add to my collection.
    Your recommendation is therefore duly noted.
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

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