Looking for a great body bar? This Shearer’s Soap from New Zealand is a triumph.

soap1_grandeSo obsessed by soap am I that really, I should have just set up a soap blog where I could bang on about bathtime and go on about glycerin to my heart’s content. The fact is I love discovering new soaps and Triumph & Disaster’s Shearer’s Soap is my latest little discovery.

Hailing from New Zealand but now available over here it was inspired by the smell of freshly scrubbed shearers (I’m sold already) and is formulated with glycerin so as to be gentle on the skin. It also contains poppy seed to provide a little exfoliation too and has  a wonderfully waxy, slightly smoky smell which, to my nose at least, also has a tiny hint of rubber and aromatic herbs. If you’re looking for an interesting body bar give it a go.

Triumph & Disaster Shearer’s Soap is available priced £9.95 from nivenandjoshua.com